US Mid Cap IQ Candriam Healthy Hearts Index IQ Candriam Cleaner Transport Index IQ Candriam Clean Oceans Index

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Component Universe Methodology



Candriam is a leading pan-European multi-specialist asset manager with a 20-year track record and a team of 500 experienced professionals. Candriam has established management centers in Luxembourg, Paris, Brussels and London, and has experienced client relationship managers covering Continental Europe, the UK, the Middle East and Australia. Its investment solutions cover five key areas: fixed income, equities, alternatives, sustainable investments and advanced asset allocation. Through conviction-driven investment solutions, Candriam has earned a reputation for delivering innovation and strong performance to a long-standing, diversified client base in over 20 countries.
Certain pages of this website contain information relating to the IQ® Candriam Sustainable US Equity Index, IQ® Candriam Sustainable World Equity Index, IQ® Candriam Sustainable International Equity Index, IQ® Candriam Sustainable European Equity Index, and IQ® Candriam Sustainable Asia Pacific Equity Index (the "IQ Candriam Indexes") and mention certain securities included in the composition of the IQ Candriam Indexes. Information relating to the composition of the IQ Candriam Indexes on this website is provided for information purposes only and is not intended as investment or transactional advice in any jurisdiction.

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